
Shielding / Physicality - 1 | Youth Soccer Drills & Skills



1v1 Soccer videos are not designed to teach proper technique.

Instead, take advantage of the resources linked at the end of this post.  These resources are the best of what is out there.  These resources contain professional trainers and skilled players correctly demonstrating (often in slow-motion) the techniques you want to learn.

The purpose of 1v1 Soccer is to show parents how to modify effective soccer instructional resources for home use.  By applying these resources in the myriad of different ways demonstrated on this site, you can help your child win the 1v1 soccer battle.

Shielding involves placing your body between the soccer ball and your opponent.  The purpose is to keep your opponent away from the ball and allow you to maintain possession.

Foot Off Ball Shielding involves standing sideways next to the ball using your body and shoulder to push your opponent away from the ball.  Both feet are off the ball and on the ground to provide maximum balance and leverage.  This shielding technique is effective and easy to learn, but you give up possession of the ball by taking both feet off it.  This leaves the ball open to being taken by a different opponent.    

Foot Off Ball Shielding involves standing sideways next to the ball using your body and shoulder to push your opponent away from the ball.  One foot is kept on the ball to both maintain possession and continuously move the ball away from the defender.  This shielding technique is more effective, but more difficult to learn and master.  With one foot off the ground you are giving up balance and leverage.  But the ability to continually move the ball away from a defender while maintaining possession provides a huge advantage if you can master it.     

Shielding + Pull Back involves Shielding the ball and using a Pull Back to spin around a defender and move up field.  When an opponent is applying heavy pressure and pushing you while you are shielding it is easy to use their momentum against them by spinning the opposite direction with a Pull Back.

Shielding + Outside Cut involves Shielding the ball and using an Outside Cut to spin around a defender and move up field.  When an opponent is applying heavy pressure and pushing you while you are shielding it is easy to use their momentum against them by spinning the opposite direction with an Outside Cut.

Shielding + Pull Back or Outside Cut is extremely effective.  Invest some time into developing these techniques and you will see immediate payoff. 


Foot Off Ball Shielding
SU 1 | 1:16:45
Foot On Ball Shielding
SU 1 | 59:50

Pull Back – Stop & Start Move
MYM 1 | 19:10 
SU 3 | 1:29:01
SU 3 | 1:37:47

Outside Cut – Change Of Direction Move
MYM 1 | 5:29 
SU 3 | 1:27:30
SU 3 | 1:32:31

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