
Kicking/Passing – 11 | 1st Touch - 11 | Dribbling – 7 | Youth Soccer



1v1 Soccer videos are not designed to teach proper technique.

Instead, take advantage of the resources linked at the end of this post.  These resources are the best of what is out there.  These resources contain professional trainers and skilled players correctly demonstrating (often in slow-motion) the techniques you want to learn.

The purpose of 1v1 Soccer is to show parents how to modify effective soccer instructional resources for home use.  By applying these resources in the myriad of different ways demonstrated on this site, you can help your child win the 1v1 soccer battle.

Kicking / Passing
The Outside Foot Ground Kick/Pass involves using the outside foot to kick the ball along the ground in a specific direction.  When passing to a teammate, this kick offers less control than using the inside foot, but can be completed more quickly and efficiently.  It also puts you in a better position to move around a defender after you complete the pass.  This kick demands striking through the center/top of the ball, keeping your shoulders over the ball, and a follow through that stays parallel with the ground.    

1st Touch
A Forward Touch always means moving the ball towards the goal.  If possible, your 1st Touch of the ball should move the ball towards the opponent’s goal.  Your first thought should be to attack, to advance the ball, to put pressure on the defense. 

An Outside Foot Angle Forward Touch means the ball is approaching you at an angle and you use your 1st Touch with the outside foot to send the ball towards your opponent’s goal.  This is a more complicated touch because you must angle your receiving foot properly to get the ball to move in the direction you want it to. 

Chop Dribbling involves quick, choppy steps and touching the ball with every step.  This is the most controlled type of dribbling and is usually utilized in a crowded area of the field while still allowing you to move the ball forward.

Controlled Dribbling involves moving the ball down the field as quickly as possible while using the same foot to touch the ball every stride.  The part of the foot that touches the ball – laces, inside foot, outside foot – is irrelevant.  The idea is to get the same foot on the ball in whatever way is most appropriate.  Controlled Dribbling provides a nice balance of speed and control. 

Kicking / Passing + 1st Touch + Dribbling

Outside Foot Ground Pass + Outside Foot Angle Forward Touch + Dribbling + Moving Laterally With Ball
SU 1 | 2:03:40

Outside Foot Ground Kick/Pass – Stationary Ball
BTB | 19:00

Outside Foot Angle Forward Touch + Moving
SU 2 | 33:26

Chop Dribbling
SU 1 | 1:06:48

Controlled Dribbling
SU 1 | 1:08:28

Improve Your 1v1 Game TODAY (Links Below)

SU = Soccer University DVD Series

BTB = Blast The Ball DVD (Packaged With Soccer University)

Outdoor Training Sessions (Link Below)


Trapping – 2 | Squishing - 2 | Youth Soccer Drills & Skills



1v1 Soccer videos are not designed to teach proper technique.

Instead, take advantage of the resources linked at the end of this post.  These resources are the best of what is out there.  These resources contain professional trainers and skilled players correctly demonstrating (often in slow-motion) the techniques you want to learn.

The purpose of 1v1 Soccer is to show parents how to modify effective soccer instructional resources for home use.  By applying these resources in the myriad of different ways demonstrated on this site, you can help your child win the 1v1 soccer battle.

A primary goal for an advanced soccer player should be developing the ability to take a ball out of the air and bring it down to the ground as quickly as possible.  Soccer is best played on the ground - this is where you have the most control and where you can move the fastest with the ball.

Effectively dealing with a ball in the air has two components.  First, you want to gain control of the ball.  Second, you want to bring it to the ground. 

The process of gaining control of an air ball is called a Trap.  The process of bringing a bouncing ball to the ground is called a Squish    

A Laces Close Distance Trap + Squish involves using your laces to gain control of a low air ball and then squishing it to the ground.

An Inside Foot Close Distance Trap + Squish involves using your inside foot to gain control of a low air ball and then squishing it to the ground.

An Outside Foot Close Distance Trap + Squish involves using your outside foot to gain control of a low air ball and then squishing it to the ground.

A Thigh Close Distance Trap + Squish involves using your thigh to gain control of a low air ball and then squishing it to the ground.

A Chest Close Distance Trap involves using your chest to gain control of a low air ball and then squishing it to the ground.

The technique needed to effectively execute an Inside/Outside Foot, Laces, or Thigh Trap is difficult to learn. 

In addition, the technique needed to effectively execute an Inside/Outside Foot, Sole, Shin, or Body Squish is difficult to learn.  Most coaches, trainers, academies do not teach these techniques and those that do often teach them incorrectly.    

Finally, the technique needed to effectively execute a Chest Trap is completely different than what is taught by most coaches, trainers, and academies. 

The only training resource I am aware of which properly teaches how to Trap & Squish a soccer ball is the Soccer University DVD’s (bottom of page).     

The ability to control air balls and bouncing balls is a huge advantage.  These techniques are worth investing the time to master. 


Laces Close Distance Trap
SU 4 | 39:24

Inside Foot Close Distance Trap
SU 4 | 39:24

Outside Foot Close Distance Trap
SU 4 | 39:24

Thigh Close Distance Trap
SU 4 | 39:36

Chest Close Distance Trap
SU 2 | 1:59:32


Sole Close Distance Squish
SU 4 | 57:21

Shin Close Distance Squish
SU 4 | 58:53

Inside Foot Close Distance Squish
SU 4 | 57:33

Outside Foot Close Distance Squish
SU 4 | 58:43

Body Close Distance Squish
SU 4 | 0:51

Improve Your 1v1 Game TODAY (Links Below)

SU = Soccer University DVD Series

Indoor Training Sessions (Link Below)


Squishing - 1 | Youth Soccer Drills & Skills



1v1 Soccer videos are not designed to teach proper technique.

Instead, take advantage of the resources linked at the end of this post.  These resources are the best of what is out there.  These resources contain professional trainers and skilled players correctly demonstrating (often in slow-motion) the techniques you want to learn.

The purpose of 1v1 Soccer is to show parents how to modify effective soccer instructional resources for home use.  By applying these resources in the myriad of different ways demonstrated on this site, you can help your child win the 1v1 soccer battle.

A primary goal for an advanced soccer player should be developing the ability to take a ball out of the air and bring it down to the ground as quickly as possible.  Soccer is best played on the ground - this is where you have the most control and where you can move the fastest with the ball.

Effectively dealing with a ball in the air has two components.  First, you want to gain control of the ball.  Second, you want to bring it to the ground

The process of bring the ball to the ground is called a Squish.   

A Sole Close Distance Squish involves using sole of your foot to bring a bouncing ball to the ground.

An Shin Close Distance Squish involves using your shin to bring a bouncing ball to the ground.

An Inside Foot Close Distance Squish involves using your inside foot to bring a bouncing ball to the ground.

An Outside Foot Close Distance Squish involves using your outside foot to bring a bouncing ball to the ground.

A Body Close Distance Squish involves using your body to bring a bouncing ball to the ground.

The technique needed to effectively execute an Inside/Outside Foot, Sole, Shin, or Body Squish is difficult to learn.  Most coaches, trainers, academies do not teach these techniques and those that do often teach them incorrectly.    

The only training resource I am aware of which properly teaches how to Squish a soccer ball is the Soccer University DVD’s (bottom of page).     

The ability to control air balls and bouncing balls is a huge advantage.  These techniques are worth investing the time to master. 


Sole Close Distance Squish
SU 4 | 57:21

Shin Close Distance Squish
SU 4 | 58:53

Inside Foot Close Distance Squish
SU 4 | 57:33

Outside Foot Close Distance Squish
SU 4 | 58:43

Body Close Distance Squish
SU 4 | 0:51

Improve Your 1v1 Game TODAY (Links Below)

SU = Soccer University DVD Series

Indoor Training Sessions (Link Below)


Trapping - 1 | Youth Soccer Drills & Skills



1v1 Soccer videos are not designed to teach proper technique.

Instead, take advantage of the resources linked at the end of this post.  These resources are the best of what is out there.  These resources contain professional trainers and skilled players correctly demonstrating (often in slow-motion) the techniques you want to learn.

The purpose of 1v1 Soccer is to show parents how to modify effective soccer instructional resources for home use.  By applying these resources in the myriad of different ways demonstrated on this site, you can help your child win the 1v1 soccer battle.

A primary goal for an advanced soccer player should be developing the ability to take a ball out of the air and bring it down to the ground as quickly as possible.  Soccer is best played on the ground - this is where you have the most control and where you can move the fastest with the ball.

Effectively dealing with a ball in the air has two components.  First, you want to gain control of the ball.  Second, you want to bring it to the ground. 

The process of gaining control of an air ball is called a Trap.   

A Laces Close Distance Trap involves using your laces to gain control of a low air ball.

An Inside Foot Close Distance Trap involves using your inside foot to gain control of a low air ball.

An Outside Foot Close Distance Trap involves using your outside foot to gain control of a low air ball.

A Thigh Close Distance Trap involves using your thigh to gain control of a low air ball.

A Chest Close Distance Trap involves using your chest to gain control of a low air ball.

The technique needed to effectively execute an Inside/Outside Foot, Laces, or Thigh Trap is difficult to learn. 

In addition, the technique needed to effectively execute a Chest Trap is completely different than what is taught by most coaches, trainers, and academies. 

The only training resource I am aware of which properly teaches how to Trap a soccer ball is the Soccer University DVD’s (bottom of page).     

The ability to control air balls and bouncing balls is a huge advantage.  These techniques are worth investing the time to master. 


Laces Close Distance Trap
SU 4 | 39:24

Inside Foot Close Distance Trap
SU 4 | 39:24

Outside Foot Close Distance Trap
SU 4 | 39:24

Thigh Close Distance Trap
SU 4 | 39:36

Chest Close Distance Trap
SU 2 | 1:59:32

Improve Your 1v1 Game TODAY (Links Below)

SU = Soccer University DVD Series

Indoor Training Sessions (Link Below)


Moves - 6 | Youth Soccer Drills & Skills



1v1 Soccer videos are not designed to teach proper technique.

Instead, take advantage of the resources linked at the end of this post.  These resources are the best of what is out there.  These resources contain professional trainers and skilled players correctly demonstrating (often in slow-motion) the techniques you want to learn.

The purpose of 1v1 Soccer is to show parents how to modify effective soccer instructional resources for home use.  By applying these resources in the myriad of different ways demonstrated on this site, you can help your child win the 1v1 soccer battle.

There are three different categories of soccer moves – Change Of Direction / Stop & Start / Fake & Feint. 

All of the moves in this training session (except one) are Change Of Direction moves. 

Change of Direction moves are designed to move you away from pressure and into open areas of the field.  Sudden changes of direction will make you unpredictable, difficult to defend, and allow you to create space for yourself.  Changing direction also helps find new openings and change your options. 

These specific Change of Direction moves all involve a Fake Kick

A Fake Kick is a fantastic way to create space.  The defender thinks you are going to blast the ball at them and they react accordingly.


U-Turn – Change Of Direction Move
MYM 1 | 8:45 
ANE 1 | 42:57 

U-Turn Stepover – Change Of Direction Move
MYM 1 | 9:38

Cruyff / Hook Turn – Change Of Direction Move
MYM 1 | 8:02
ANE 1 | 41:22 
SU 3 | 1:28:08
SU 5 | 46:19

Fake Shot + Push Away - Change Of Direction Move
SU 5 | 46:55

Fake Shot + Pull Back - Change Of Direction Move
SU 5 | 47:23

Pull Push – Stop & Start Move
MYM 1 | 19:57
SU 3 | 1:25:01

Improve Your 1v1 Game TODAY (Links Below)

SU = Soccer University DVD Series

Indoor Training Sessions (Link Below)