
Best U10 Youth Soccer Moves | #107-#118 – 1st Touch

MOVES #107-#118 – 1ST TOUCH


The best thing a developing soccer player can do is develop dominant ball skills needed to master the 1v1 (one verses one) game.

This means getting thousands of touches on the ball to develop deep comfort and control with all parts of the body and feet.  This also means mastering specific skills to keep the ball away from an opponent, move the ball around an opponent, and take the ball away from an opponent.  As a player grows up, dominant ball skills provide the best foundation for developing dominant passing skills.

Younger players can work through each move and skip those which are too difficult.  Older players can work through each move and spend time mastering those which are weak or missing from their game.

Moves #107 - #118 – 1st Touch
1ST TOUCH + Dribbling + Moves + Physicality + Ball Control = BALL DOMINANCE

The ability to receive a scorcher, a screamer, a ball moving towards you at 20-30 miles-per-hour, is absolutely necessary

Blistering passes are somewhat common.  Sometimes they are mistakes, such as a teammate panicking under pressure.  Other times they are purposeful, even preferable – especially in the final third to a striker.

You may be running through the box – through the eighteen – and a teammate feeds you a blistering pass.  In this situation, you cannot have the ball bounce four feet off your foot.  You must receive and keep the ball on your foot. You must have a Sticky Foot. 

I call this technique a Sticky Touch.  And the technique needed to effectively receive a ball moving at a high speed is completely different than the technique needed to receive a ball moving at a normal pace

Despite the necessity of this skill, it is rarely taught.  Most coaches/trainers aren’t aware of this technique and don’t know how to teach it.    
When layered with dribbling and moves, a strong 1st Touch will take your ability to dominate the ball and win 1v1 battles to new level.

Follow Links Above For Video Of Each Move

Best U10 Youth Soccer Moves (Link Below)

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